The Bat! is now available from http://files.nobat.ru/beta3xx/27
Here is a short list of changes:
[-] Using Horizontal line in non-standard background;
[-] Files msgs.dump related to Virtual Folders are not encrypted;
[-] Spelling error, Options/Preferences/ General: "anothe setings";
[*] IMAP: multiple connections to server (Fine Tune option);
[-] IMAP: sometimes wrong message download while only text loading;
[+] Other: backup
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Version 0.7.5 (.lxt fixup) http://files.nobat.ru/plugins/51
[-] accidental corruption of .lst files. The error fixed, and auto-repairing of the files possible damaged in the past entered. Running "lstrepair" with this version is not necessary.
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The Bat! beta fixes the "Access Violation" bugs in the On-The-Fly mode, reported by Marek Mikus. Download http://files.nobat.ru/beta3xx/30
The Bat! beta fixes the following bug with the Restore from Backup:
[-] Sorting configuration and messages weren´t restored from a backup archive in the On-The-Fly encryption mode.
Download http://files.nobat.ru/beta3xx/29
You should only download this beta if you are using the On-The-Fly
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The Bat! Rush
[*] Message base and configuration data encryption can be now activated for Professional Edition;
[*] Scheduler: Automatic view for currently selected event;
[*] new mail sound improvements;
[*] IMAP Fine-tune option ´Use precise counters´;
[*] IMAP Fine-tune option ´Download only message text while browsing´.
A little description for IMAP users:
First tune option is suitable for IMAP users which
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Извиняюсь за долгое молчание (был в командировке, смотрел славный город Архангельск). Итак, за время отсутствия вышли 2 беты:
Что нового в Rush (27 октября 2004 года):
[-] Filter in virtual folders, based on Comment field, doesn´t work;
[-] Filtering on color does not appear to work;
[-] Incoming message filters are not processed;
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Новости The Bat!
Изменения следующие:
[*] a bit altered algorithm of updating of .lst files.
Скачать можно отсюда: http://files.nobat.ru/plugins/49
Также вышло обновление утилиты LstRepair. Скачать ее можно отсюда: http://files.nobat.ru/utils/13
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Добавлена возможность сделать выбор режима - через прокси, напрямую или использовать настройки браузера. Страница плагина https://nobat.ru/rss.php.
Скачать можно отсюда: http://files.nobat.ru/plugins/48
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Вот письмо Максима Масютина:
Could you please download (Beta/1). It mainly fixes the bug in question marks in the About box when the name of the registration key did contain the national characters and the default windows locale did not match that characters.
[-] Name of header field of "Capture/Delete addresses" is not displayed as localised in NFS;
[-] Action sub-menu is not disable while
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Итак, вот письмо Стефана. Надеюсь перевод не нуден, тут и так все понятно :-)
Dear All,
Thank you for your tremendous help in polishing The Bat! Of course, it was impossible to make it bug-free in such a short time, but I hope most of the irritating problems are gone. I don´t think that would be possible without your insistence and enthusiasm.
The 3.0.1 Beta cycle is now closed and we are heading towards
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Возможно это и финальный вариант:
TheBat! V3.0.1 Pranayama Professional Edition
TheBat! V3.0.1 Pranayama Home Edition
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Новости The Bat!