Измения следующие:
[-] UI: TheBat! asks for a passwort, when you change the account in editor;
[-] IMAP: Changing remote Outbox/Trash/Sent doesn´t need program restart;
[-] Exchange: Some Exchange-related fixes;
[-] Exchange: Attachment names with national characters were incorrectly encoded when sending messages via Exchange protocol;
[-] Other: "Compress Folders" also defragments message base and index files (.TBB and .TBI)
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Новости The Bat!
Изменения следующие:
[-] Some Exchange-related fixes;
[-] Attachment names with national characters were incorrectly encoded when sending messages via Exchange protocol;
[-] "Compress Folders" also defragments message base and index files (.TBB and .TBI) on NTFS volumes.
Скачать можно отсюда: http://files.nobat.ru/beta2xx/62
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Новости The Bat!
Изменения следующие:
[-] "Mark stored junk mail as read" checkbox enabled status wasn´t dynamically updated when checking "Move a message to the Junk folder if the score is greater than";
[-] IMAP: filtering ignored queue;
[-] IMAP: using decoded names in Folder Maintenance and request watcher;
[-] VF: Mark the mail in common VF as Junk leads to common junk mail folder;
[-] IMAP: some queue changes (should be faster now);
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Новости The Bat!
Поляк Jacek Szumigaj выпустил новый макро-плагин для The Bat! и дал ему название Shell-Plugin. Ознакомится с макросами, входящими в плагин, и при желании скачать плагин можно тут: https://nobat.ru/shell.php
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Новости The Bat!
Доступна для скачивания 8 бета Exchange Editions почтового клиента The Bat! 2.12
Подробности про изменения в ней можно почитать тут:
В этой версии ничего нового по сравнению с предыдущей бетой, но если у кого были проблемы с Exchange, установите эту версию и проверьте ее работу. О результатах просьба писать Maxim Masiutin
Скачать ее можно отсюда: http://files.nobat.ru/beta2xx/60
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Новости The Bat!
Изменения следующие:
[-] IMAP: filtering to local folders;
[-] IMAP: sometimes synchronization of new messages cleared all folder cache;
[-] UI: no checkboxes;
[-] Other: no standard folders in newly created account;
[-] Other: New accounts weren´t stored (introduced in Beta/6);
[-] Other: Unlocked accounts were preserving their state between TB! sessions (introduced in Beta/6).
Скачать можно
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Новости The Bat!
Изменения следующие:
[-] IMAP: better work with remote Outbox at Courier IMAP server;
[-] IMAP: queue improvements;
[-] IMAP: filtering to local folder;
[-] IMAP: subfolder not synchronized automatically;
[-] IMAP: Autosynchronisation doesn´t lead to sub-folders being synchronised;
[-] IMAP: INBOX can be set as pre-defined Outbox, Sent and Trash too;
[-] IMAP: doesn´t send message if other requests
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Новости The Bat!
Скачать ее можно отсюда: http://files.nobat.ru/files/25
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Новости The Bat!
15 июня доступна для скачивания новая версия 2.12 Beta/1 почтового клиента The Bat!. Изменения следующие:
[+] Watch and Send files action in the Scheduler;
[+] While-you-type spell checker in HTML editor (incomplete yet);
[-] HTML Editor: ´Insert table´ font;
[-] MicroEd: Spell check language in status-bar popup menu;
[+] MicroEd: Ctrl+Del deletes word on the right;
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Новости The Bat!
Изменения следующие:
[-] When searching on LDAP server which was returning empty entries for user certificates, error messages were popping up for each addressee;
[-] IMAP hanging;
[*] IMAP synchro progress in IMAP requests;
[*] Usability improved in the Sorting Office window: for the input fields with accompanying buttons, Enter emulates first button click, Cltr+Enter is used for the second button (if any); tab stops set more correctly now;
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Новости The Bat!