Все записи дневника

  1. Вышел The Bat! v3.0.1 RC2 Pranayama

    , 30.09.2004 в 23:55
    The Bat! 3.01 RC2 is now available from http://files.nobat.ru/beta3xx/15

    [-] Toolbar buttons "Copy" and "Copy to…" are allways disabled in Viewer window;

    [-] No History for "Find text" dialog in Windows and HTML editor;

    [-] Menu problem in editor window;

    [-] The chosen VF does not show new messages in the list after receive of mail;

    [-] Message list pane is empty for VF on The Bat! start;

    [-] Message produces "Invalid HTML error" No.2;
    Новости The Bat!
  2. Вышла новая версия антиспам-плагина BayesIt 0.7.0 RC1

    , 30.09.2004 в 12:32
    Version 0.7.0 RC1 (full instalable)

    [+] more correctly handling of versioninfo to show filter´s current version.;

    [-] when receiving/marking as of some letters, only one of them was actually added to database, which causes unexpected disbalance of the base and wrong grades given to letters;

    [-] the identifier of the last letter in the base was duplicated on evey background recalculation.

    NOTE: since the bug fixed, it is recommended to re-mark as junk/not …
    Новости The Bat!
  3. Вышел The Bat! v3.0.1 RC1 Pranayama

    , 29.09.2004 в 21:22
    The Bat! 3.0.1 RC1 is now available from http://files.nobat.ru/beta3xx/14

    Here is a short list of changes:

    [-] MailTicker updating problems during session;

    [-] Some Macros can´t be insert from context menu in filter-template;

    [-] It is not possible to select Contacts with Ctrl and then with Shift;

    [-] Maintenance Centre: $KNOWN$, $JUNK$ and other folders´ name incorrectly displayed;

    [-] Systray icon is not updated, when is IMAP …
    Новости The Bat!
  4. Вышла новая версия антиспам-плагина BayesIt 0.6.10

    , 28.09.2004 в 22:10
    Version 0.6.10 (full instalable) http://files.nobat.ru/plugins/33.

    [-] a minor bug caused "not contains" rules being saved as "contains";

    [+] supporting for LNG with embedded versioninfo (like The Bat!);

    [+] supporting of PCRE which is embedded into thebat.exe - this version doesn´t need PCRE.dll anymore! (however, if an external PCRE.dll is placed in the same folder with thebat.exe, it will be loaded instead of using internal PCRE).
    Новости The Bat!
  5. Обновлен RSS-плагин Алексея Виноградова

    , 28.09.2004 в 10:00
    Что нового:

    [-] Исправлена ошибка подвисания плагина получении канала с двумя совершенно одинаковыми новостями.

    Страница плагина: https://nobat.ru/rss.php. На странице есть ссылка для скачивания.
    Новости The Bat!
  6. Вышел The Bat - Pranayama

    , 27.09.2004 в 20:07
    The Bat! Post Release is now available from http://files.nobat.ru/beta3xx/13.

    Here is a short list of changes:

    [-] VF does not update changes in Outbox;

    [-] Some functions are disabled in HTML/Windows editor;

    [-] VF does not refresh when it gets focus from another folder;

    [-] Quick Search doesn´t work in message lists and message views;

    [-] Cosmetics bug in Maintenenance Centre;

    [-] Dialog "Search string … …
    Новости The Bat!
  7. Вышла новая версия антиспам-плагина BayesIt 0.6.9

    , 26.09.2004 в 20:32
    Version 0.6.9 (not for "clean" installation - just .tbp to replace one from the previous (0.6.5, for example)) http://files.nobat.ru/plugins/31.

    [-] some internal multithread collisions fixed;

    [-] minor bug caused creation of transdata.dat in the root of system disk.
    Новости The Bat!
  8. Выложены исходники макро-плагина UMC

    , 26.09.2004 в 20:08
    Исходники UMC 1.8.874 теперь доступны для скачивания: http://files.nobat.ru/plugins/30. Пользуйтесь на здоровье. Компилировать под Delphi 6 + JVCL. Также включены исходники плагинов UNINP, UMP_WA, UMP_TEXTUTIL, UMP_MBM.
    Новости The Bat!
  9. Вышла новая версия плагина UMC

    , 26.09.2004 в 20:03
    На нашем сайта сегодня доступна для скачивания новая версия макро-плагина UMC 1.8.845. Добавлены 2 новых макроса: %UMCENCRYPT и %UMCDECRYPT. Информацию о них можно прочитать на странице плагина: https://nobat.ru/umc.php. Оттуда же можно и скачать посленюю версию плагина. Пароль на архив 1.
    Новости The Bat!
  10. Вышла новая версия антиспам-плагина BayesIt 0.6.8

    , 25.09.2004 в 00:09
    Version 0.6.8 (not for "clean" installation - just .tbp to replace one from the previous (0.6.5, for example)) http://files.nobat.ru/plugins/25

    [-] The window which shows the number of currently processed letters works unstable and sometimes caused an error;

    [-] An erro which caused "mark as" action, and also receiving of mail crash The Bat! (suggestion);
    [*] Some internal code review - some useless parts was thrown out.
    Новости The Bat!