The Bat! 3.01 RC2 is now available from http://files.nobat.ru/beta3xx/15
[-] Toolbar buttons "Copy" and "Copy to…" are allways disabled in Viewer window;
[-] No History for "Find text" dialog in Windows and HTML editor;
[-] Menu problem in editor window;
[-] The chosen VF does not show new messages in the list after receive of mail;
[-] Message list pane is empty for VF on The Bat! start;
[-] Message produces "Invalid HTML error" No.2;
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Новости The Bat!
Version 0.7.0 RC1 (full instalable)
[+] more correctly handling of versioninfo to show filter´s current version.;
[-] when receiving/marking as of some letters, only one of them was actually added to database, which causes unexpected disbalance of the base and wrong grades given to letters;
[-] the identifier of the last letter in the base was duplicated on evey background recalculation.
NOTE: since the bug fixed, it is recommended to re-mark as junk/not
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Новости The Bat!
The Bat! 3.0.1 RC1 is now available from http://files.nobat.ru/beta3xx/14
Here is a short list of changes:
[-] MailTicker updating problems during session;
[-] Some Macros can´t be insert from context menu in filter-template;
[-] It is not possible to select Contacts with Ctrl and then with Shift;
[-] Maintenance Centre: $KNOWN$, $JUNK$ and other folders´ name incorrectly displayed;
[-] Systray icon is not updated, when is IMAP
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Новости The Bat!
Version 0.6.10 (full instalable) http://files.nobat.ru/plugins/33.
[-] a minor bug caused "not contains" rules being saved as "contains";
[+] supporting for LNG with embedded versioninfo (like The Bat!);
[+] supporting of PCRE which is embedded into thebat.exe - this version doesn´t need PCRE.dll anymore! (however, if an external PCRE.dll is placed in the same folder with thebat.exe, it will be loaded instead of using internal PCRE).
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Новости The Bat!
Что нового:
[-] Исправлена ошибка подвисания плагина получении канала с двумя совершенно одинаковыми новостями.
Страница плагина: https://nobat.ru/rss.php. На странице есть ссылка для скачивания.
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Новости The Bat!
The Bat! Post Release is now available from http://files.nobat.ru/beta3xx/13.
Here is a short list of changes:
[-] VF does not update changes in Outbox;
[-] Some functions are disabled in HTML/Windows editor;
[-] VF does not refresh when it gets focus from another folder;
[-] Quick Search doesn´t work in message lists and message views;
[-] Cosmetics bug in Maintenenance Centre;
[-] Dialog "Search string …
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Новости The Bat!
Version 0.6.9 (not for "clean" installation - just .tbp to replace one from the previous (0.6.5, for example)) http://files.nobat.ru/plugins/31.
[-] some internal multithread collisions fixed;
[-] minor bug caused creation of transdata.dat in the root of system disk.
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Новости The Bat!
Исходники UMC 1.8.874 теперь доступны для скачивания: http://files.nobat.ru/plugins/30. Пользуйтесь на здоровье. Компилировать под Delphi 6 + JVCL. Также включены исходники плагинов UNINP, UMP_WA, UMP_TEXTUTIL, UMP_MBM.
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Новости The Bat!
На нашем сайта сегодня доступна для скачивания новая версия макро-плагина UMC 1.8.845. Добавлены 2 новых макроса: %UMCENCRYPT и %UMCDECRYPT. Информацию о них можно прочитать на странице плагина: https://nobat.ru/umc.php. Оттуда же можно и скачать посленюю версию плагина. Пароль на архив 1.
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Новости The Bat!
Version 0.6.8 (not for "clean" installation - just .tbp to replace one from the previous (0.6.5, for example)) http://files.nobat.ru/plugins/25
[-] The window which shows the number of currently processed letters works unstable and sometimes caused an error;
[-] An erro which caused "mark as" action, and also receiving of mail crash The Bat! (suggestion);
[*] Some internal code review - some useless parts was thrown out.
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Новости The Bat!