We are still trying to fix the AV. Please try 3.5.19
Качаем: http://files.nobat.ru/beta3xx/65
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Новости The Bat!
Вышел PostRelease версии 3.5
Скачать 3.5.18 можно отсюда:
The Bat! 3.5.18 - Rar arhiv
The Bat! 3.5.18 Home - Msi installation
The Bat! 3.5.18 Professional - Msi installation
Список изменений:
[+] SmartSpace reading - using just the Space bar for reading new messages and marking them as read. See options in the "Options|Preferences" dialogue at the Messages page;
[-] Access
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Новости The Bat!
Это то, что шло в комплекте релиза The Bat! 3.5. На самом деле это бета, но вполне достойная для релиза! Полная руссификация будет в 0.8.2
Качать: http://files.nobat.ru/plugins/72
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Новости The Bat!
Что нового:
[!] Fully customizable user interface;
[!] On-The-Fly-Encryption (only in Professinal version);
[!] Biometric authentication (only in Professinal version);
[+] Scheduler action in filters;
[+] Macros in filter actions;
[+] Grouping by date/sender/recipient;
[+] Support of simultaneous IMAP connections;
[-] Various bugfixes.
TheBat! 3.5 Home edition;
- Категории
Новости The Bat!
Вышел инсталляционный вариант The Bat! 3.5, но пока еще как Release Candidate 9. Скачать можно отсюда:
The Bat! v3.5 Return RC9 Professional MSI;
The Bat! v3.5 Return RC9 Home MSI;
The Bat! v3.5 Return IntPack
[-] Function ´Change POP3 password´ in Account menu is available for IMAP4 accounts;
[-] "Change POP3 password" didn´t work;
Деревянные окна на заказ купить деревянные окна.
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Новости The Bat!
Качаем: http://files.nobat.ru/beta3xx/57
Список изменений:
[-] POP: Filters in POP3 session weren´t logged;
[-] (#0004607) VERY annoying error message with GMail only!;
[-] (#0004460) The "Active Account" Tray Menu option was not working;
[-] (#0004600) Finder: Sound "Windows XP Ding" is played when is*searching started or dialog is closed by ESC;
[-] AntiVir: When checking a*folder for viruses, selected folder*wasn´t
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Новости The Bat!
Качаем: http://files.nobat.ru/beta3xx/56
Список изменений:
[-] The "Active Account" Tray Menu option was not working;
[-] Other: Bugs with priority and confirmation settings in the Message Editor;
[-] Other: Bold Outbox;
[-] Other: Multi-sort storing;
[-] Other: Size part is placed randomly;
[-] Other: New thread sorting works incorrectly in reverse order;
[-] Other: Esc doesn´t reset
- Категории
Новости The Bat!
Download [3.59 MB]: http://files.nobat.ru/beta3xx/55
Список изменений:
[-] [On-The-Fly Encryption]: eToken problem;
[-] [Backup/Restore]: eToken problem;
[-] [Other]: SmartBat: Context menu item "Utilities | Insert current time" returns current date;
[-] [Interface]: Menu items "Cut","Copy","Paste" and "Select all" in Quick Search´s context menu doesn´t work;
[-] [Interface]: Dialog "Sort Folders And Accounts"
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Новости The Bat!
Качаем: http://files.nobat.ru/beta3xx/54
Here is a short list of changes:
[-] Other: If is is nothing in the message to check by an anti-virus, the entire message (RFC-822) is checked;
[-] Other: AV on deletion;
[-] Other: customizer resize;
[-] Other: If a message had no body, the anti-virus check did always return "The anti-virus has reported an error, the object cannot be checked for viruses";
[-] Other: Customizer AVs;
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Новости The Bat!
Качаем: http://files.nobat.ru/beta3xx/53.
Исправлен прием почты по протоколу POP3.
- Категории
Новости The Bat!