В листе разработчиков плагинов появилось следующее творение.
Привожу цитату:
It is available for download from http://szumi.one.pl/thebat/SQL page.
SQL Plugin adds four macros:
%SQLQuery("SQL_Connection_String", "SQL_Query")
This macro execute SQL query and return dataset as comma separated
data in each rows or exception message in even plugin throw it.
%_ConnectionString='Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4 .0;Data Source=C:\customers.mdb'%-
%_Query='select FirstName, LastName from Customers'%-
%SQLQuery(%_ConnectionString, %_Query)%-
%SQLCommand("SQL_Connection_String", "SQL_Command")
This macro execute SQL command without return any dataset (it may
return execute exception only)
%_ConnectionString='Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4 .0;Data Source=C:\customers.mdb%-
%_Command='insert into Customers (FirstName, LastName) values ("%FromFName", "%FromLName")'%-
%SQLCommand(%_ConnectionString, %_Command)%-
This macro open wizard to configure connection string and return it.
Returns plugin name and version number.
It is first beta version of this plugin. Some problems my occurred
with it, also be careful!