подскажите в каких файлах хранятся настройки бата:
сортировщик писем,
цветовые группы,
да и вообще что где лежит…
подскажите в каких файлах хранятся настройки бата:
сортировщик писем,
цветовые группы,
да и вообще что где лежит…
По 1 - ищите в архиве
2 - нет файлов
1. account.srb
3. events.cfg
Вот чего надыбал из одного интересного источника и сам дополнил насколько смог:
Program Folders and Files
The Bat! is by default installed to C:\Program Files\The Bat! within this folder are other subfolders and files which we'll explain here.
Since V3 Mail folder located by default in C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\The Bat!\Mail. V1/2 by default store mail in C:\Program Files\The Bat!\MAIL. Here used old location by default.
C:\Program Files\The Bat![*]*.tip The random tips for each language that you see when you start TB[*]batpgpXX.dll DLL files required for using PGP/GPG in TB[*]delmsi.exe Uninstall the .MSI installation? (as given in versioninfo: Removes shortcuts and data files)[*]glyphs.bmp If you've downloaded a "theme" replacement for the TB buttons, this is it[*]lngversion.exe Companion file to thebat.lng file. Probably to report versioning info.[*]tbmapi.dll The MAPI handler[*]the_bat.cnt Supplemental fie for the_bat.hlp[*]the_bat.gid Supplemental file for the_bat.hlp[*]the_bat.hlp The main help file[*]thebat.exe Main executable file[*]thebat.lng Language file for the TB interface[*]batlogo.xml Configuration XML-file for creating custom splash screens at BT's startup* (v.3.5)[*]batskin.xml Configuration XML-file for creating custom skins for TB* - images for toolbars, icons etc* (v.3.5)[*]thebat.ipc Regular batch-file for TB - TB try to run this batch every 10 sec
C:\Program Files\The Bat!\images[*]Folders All subfolders should contain images relating to the appropriate .MSL file[*]*.msl Configuration file for smiley sets[*]order.txt Configuration file for the order in which .MSL files load
C:\Program Files\The Bat!\MAIL[*]Folders All account folders and all common folders[*]*.abd Addressbook files[*]accorder.cfg Configuration for the order in which your accounts show up in TB[*]account.cfg Account like settings for common folders (v2)[*]account.cfn Account like settings for common folders (v3)[*]account.flb Common folder configuration (v3)[*]account.flx Common folder configuration (v2)[*]account.srb Filters for new filter system - common filters (V3)[*]account.srx Filters for old filter system - common filters (V1/2)[*]addrbook.ini Addressbook configuration (what addressbooks are contained etc.)[*]avconfig.ini Config for anti virus plug-in[*]colors.ini Color Groups configuration[*]config.cdb ???[*]events.cfg List of scheduled tasks (Scheduler)[*]except.log Error log[*]groups.cfg ???[*]pgp.ini ???[*]randseed.bin Temporary file for generation random values (used in encryption/signing)[*]shortcut.cfg Keyboard shortcuts configuration file[*]smartbat.ini The files opened/used by SmartBat[*]smartbat.txt The Smartbat entries you've made[*]smimernd.bin Temporary file for generation random values (used in encryption/signing in S/MIME)[*]tbplugin.ini Configuration file for your plugins[*]tbuser.def* Custom toolbars and menu configuration, which can be edited though menu "View - Toolbars -* Customise…"
C:\Program Files\The Bat!\Mail\ACCOUNT FOLDERNAME[*]$CHAT$ COMMON Special Folders containing e-mail chat messages (kind of like a watch thread folder)[*]$JUNK$ COMMON Special Folders that collect spam from whatever anti-spam plugin you have[*]$KNOWN$ COMMON Special Folders that collects e-mail from people you have listed in your addressbook[*]$QRNTN$ COMMON Special Folders that collects e-mail containing viruses from whatever anti-virus plugin you have[*]Mail Folders Every folder you create under this account to sort mail shows up in this folder[*]account.cfg Account configuration and account templates for v1/v2[*]account.cfn Account configuration and account templates for v3[*]account.flb The current common folder configuration file (v2/v3)[*]account.flx The old common folder configuration (depreciated) (v1)[*]account.his Contains the last recipients, subjects and some search info[*]account.imp IMAP debugging configuration file[*]account.log History of interactions with mail server and filtering results[*]account.m_d UIDLы сообщений, которые хранятся на сервере, но которые надо оттуда удалить (это или из действий сортировщика, или из свойств ящика - "удалять при удалении из треша")[*]account.m_r Keeps UIDL's for the message already downloaded, but not yet deleted from server[*]account.qtn Quick templates[*]account.srb New filter configuration (v3)[*]account.srx Old filter configuration (depreciated) (v1/v2)
C:\Program Files\The Bat!\Mail\ACCOUNT\MAIL FOLDERNAME[*]Mail Folders If you created subfolders to the above, they're here[*]messages.tbb The actual e-mail messages in human readable format[*]messages.tbi The index of the messages.tbi. This file may be safely deleted as TB will recreate it. However, deleting it will cause you to lose any colour groups, etc. assigned for that mailbox. Useful if you seem to have a corrupted mailbox.
C:\Program Files\The Bat!\Sounds
This section has listing of sound files that can be played on TB's internal events (see filenames):[*]AboutBox.wav[*]AccountLogoff.wav[*]AccountLogon.wav[*]ActionAccountDeleteFiles.wav[*]ActionAccountLeaveFiles.wav[*]ActionFolderDeleteTrash.wav[*]ActionFolderDeleteWipe.wav[*]ActionMessageDeleteMultiple.wav[*]ActionMessageDeleteSingle.wav[*]ActionSpamDeleted.wav[*]ActionSpamMoved.wav[*]ActionVirusFound.wav[*]ConfirmAccountDelete.wav[*]ConfirmBirthday.wav[*]ConfirmFolderDelete.wav[*]CreateEditorBirthday.wav[*]CreateEditorEditExisting.wav[*]CreateEditorForward.wav[*]CreateEditorNewMessage.wav[*]CreateEditorRCR.wav[*]CreateEditorRedirect.wav[*]CreateEditorReply.wav[*]FocusAccount.wav[*]FocusFolder.wav[*]FocusMessage.wav[*]TheBatStartup.wav
цветовые группы,
2 - нет файловC:\Program Files\The Bat!\MAIL
colors.ini Color Groups configuration
Самая подробная информация Металлические значки в Воронеже у нас на сайте.
а что за источник?Сообщение от aff
Из tdudl (вроде так, с их сайта)… На нобате тоже будет скоро.Сообщение от Stanislav V. Mikov
В последнее время у меня появился жуткий комплекс неполноценности по поводу того, что в бате появляется туева хуча новых фич, которые недокументированы, но которые мне бы очень пригодились в разработке всякого полезного софта под бат… Неужели единственный способ - подписаться на этот жуткий лист?Сообщение от Vadim
Я туда не подписан!
Станислав, давай не флеймит тут :-)