стоит w2k, bat 3.0
планиг пишет вот что:
BayesIt filter information

AntiSpam filtering data:

SPAM Frequency dictionary:
° C:\Program Files\The Bat!\BayesIt\base\spamdict.bye
° size: 3036 letters
° capacity: 148354 words.

NON-SPAM Frequency dictionary:
° C:\Program Files\The Bat!\BayesIt\base\nspamdict.bye
° Error loading file. May be it doesn't exist

Current Active Base:
° Active base doesn't yet exist!
° Status: OK

Last day statistic
General numbers
° Spam traffic (bytes): 0
° Spam letters: 0
° NON-spam traffic (bytes): 0
° NON-spam letters: 0
° Total traffic (bytes): 0
° Total letters: 0

° Part of the spam in terms of letters: 0%.
° []
° Part of the spam in temrs of traffic (bytes): 0%.
° []

° SPAM errors (letters): 0%.
° []
° SPAM errors (traffic): 0%.
° []
° NON-spam errors (letters): 0%.
° []
° NON-spam errors (traffic): 0%.
° []
° Totally errors (letters): 0%.
° []
° Totally errors (traffic): 0%.
° []

Last week statistic
General numbers
° Spam traffic (bytes): 0
° Spam letters: 0
° NON-spam traffic (bytes): 0
° NON-spam letters: 0
° Total traffic (bytes): 0
° Total letters: 0

° Part of the spam in terms of letters: 0%.
° []
° Part of the spam in temrs of traffic (bytes): 0%.
° []

° SPAM errors (letters): 0%.
° []
° SPAM errors (traffic): 0%.
° []
° NON-spam errors (letters): 0%.
° []
° NON-spam errors (traffic): 0%.
° []
° Totally errors (letters): 0%.
° []
° Totally errors (traffic): 0%.
° []

Last month statistic
General numbers
° Spam traffic (bytes): 0
° Spam letters: 0
° NON-spam traffic (bytes): 0
° NON-spam letters: 0
° Total traffic (bytes): 0
° Total letters: 0

° Part of the spam in terms of letters: 0%.
° []
° Part of the spam in temrs of traffic (bytes): 0%.
° []

° SPAM errors (letters): 0%.
° []
° SPAM errors (traffic): 0%.
° []
° NON-spam errors (letters): 0%.
° []
° NON-spam errors (traffic): 0%.
° []
° Totally errors (letters): 0%.
° []
° Totally errors (traffic): 0%.
° []


почему не может найти?:
NON-SPAM Frequency dictionary:
° C:\Program Files\The Bat!\BayesIt\base\nspamdict.bye
° Error loading file. May be it doesn't exist

хотя папка по указанному пути содержит: