Напоминаем Вам, что все дистрибутивы The Bat! Вы можете найти на этой странице https://nobat.ru/distrib.html
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Вот полный список изменений версии 2.04
[!] Microsoft Exchange server connectivity (requires MS Exchange client to be installed for providing MAPI transport);
[+] Compuserve RPA authentication mechanism;
[+] POP/IMAP/SMTP session logging settings are stored in the Protocol.INI file of the account´s
home directory;
[+] The "Allow search for unread messages across accounts" option in the Options|Preferences dialogue at
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Новости The Bat!
Хотя на сайте и написано: The Bat! v2.04.2 Full Install, но пока не вериться…
Итак, вот комментарии оф лиц:
It includes a few cosmetical changes to 2.04.1 and the updated version of BayesIt! plug-in.
Please note that those who have previous BayesIt! installed, should proceed with BayesIt! update manually.
Please say it´s OK to be released :-)
Дистрибутив доступен https://nobat.ru/files/ftp/release.200/the_bat2.04.02.exe
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Новости The Bat!
Что нового:
[+] Добавлен макрос %UMCGREP;
[+] Добавлен макрос %UMCREPLACEREGEXP;
[+] Добавлен макрос %UMCSPLIT;
[+] Добавлен макрос %UMCWOY;
[+] Добавлен макрос %UMCDOY;
[+] Добавлен макрос %UMCHOM;
[+] Добавлен макрос %UMCHOW;
[+] Добавлен макрос %UMCHOY;
Скачать можно отсюда https://nobat.ru/viewfile.php?id=11
Полный список макросов: https://nobat.ru/umc.php
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Новости The Bat!
Что нового:
[-] исправлены некоторые ошибки;
[*] изменены ссылки в "Plugin Information";
[+] 2 новых макроса: %GETINIVALUE %SETINIVALUE;
Скачать можно отсюда: https://nobat.ru/viewfile.php?id=10
Полный список макросов: nobat.ru/zombie.php
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Новости The Bat!
Список изменений (включенных в 2.04 тест-релиз):
[-] An overwritten file was not truncated when an attachment was saved;
[-] LDAP search in the address picker was ignoring UTF-8 setting of a LDAP address book;
[-] (2.04 test release) Attachments were not stored properly in the 2.04 test release;
[-] (2.04 test release) Problem with constant asking to isntall BayesIt! on startup;
[-] event actions at the event´s
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Новости The Bat!
Но с рядом ошибок… Хотя, вот список изменений и коментарий Стефана (включенных в 2.04 тест-релиз):
Basically, it is almost the same RC/3, but it is the full installation including updated help file and automatic installation of Special Edition of BayesIt! plug-in (which was also updated during last few days).
[-] An overwritten file was not truncated when an attachment was saved;
[-] Big-5
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Новости The Bat!
Изменения следущие:
[+] По многочисленным просьбам изменился вывод макроса %WANP. Теперь он обрезает номер в плейлисте в начале названия песни. Изменения действуют в UMC и UMP: WA начиная с .292;
[+] Добавлена возможность закрытия диалога UMC по ESC;
[+] Добавлена кнопка "обновить
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Новости The Bat!
[-] Account folders were included when searching for lost common folders;
[-] Kaspersky AVP plug-in was lost on restart;
[-] Message Dispatcher: removed Read flags were not remembered between sessions (introduced in a 2.03 Beta);
[-] Redirect of HTML messages should be working now;
[-] View Modes created from another view mode were not functioning correctly;
[-] Incorrect View Mode assignment in the Folder Properties dialogue.
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Новости The Bat!
Что нового:
[-] Bug with sending from IMAP account when OUtbox is located on the server;
[-] Bug with losing last message position in result of folder compression;
[-] Some cosmetic glitches
Скачать можно отсюда: https://nobat.ru/files/ftp/beta.200/tb204rc2.rar
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Новости The Bat!