Please note that this beta may be very unstable. We´ve built it to test the MSI installation and the recent NFS fixes.
[*] Compiled with the most recent RSA code from latest OpenSSL. Please test this beta with S/MIME, PGP and TLS.
[-] NFS: Shared filters not saved when selecting using "Deselect All";
[+] NFS: Subfilters are logged;
[-] NFS: Subfilters check manual/hotkey status;
[-] NFS: too greedy regular expressions;
[+] NFS: POP accounts have
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Исправлены ошибки программы. Данная версия более стабильна. Скачать ее можно отсюда http://files.nobat.ru/plugins/12
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Изменения следующие:
[-] UI: Another suggestion to ´Invalid HTML´ error;
[-] NFS: some filter conversion;
[-] NFS: IMAP skipped downloading;
[-] NFS: RunExternal;
[-] NFS: some cosmetic fixes;
[-] NFS: crash on startup if $KNOWN$ folder is absent;
[-] NFS: action fixes;
[-] NFS: UI fixes;
[-] NFS: IMAP fixes.
Скачать можно отсюда: http://files.nobat.ru/beta2xx/73
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Новости The Bat!
Изменения следующие:
[-] NFS: common filters fixes;
[-] NFS: manual refilter log;
[-] NFS: edit from ´Create filter´;
[+] NFS: common filters;
[-] NFS: IMAP fixes;
[-] NFS: Manual/Hotkey filters;
[-] NFS: Mark unread action;
[-] NFS: Toggle read/unread action;
[-] NFS: IMAP work;
[-] IMAP: Long commands;
[-] UI: minor changes;
[-] NFS: some minor
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Новости The Bat!
Изменения следующие:
[-] NFS: importing of color group filters;
[-] NFS: incorrect work of filter with AB first recepient;
[+] NFS: Option for re-filtering current folder after editing;
[-] UI: ??? review of Invalid HTML error and suggestion to solve ???;
[+] NFS: higlight of continue filters;
[-] NFS: Hotkeys not saved and not used correctly;
[-] UI: Disappear of current message;
[-] NFS: minor changes
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Новости The Bat!
Изменения следующие:
[+] NFS: Create filter (Ctrl+Shift+F) for NFS;
[-] NFS: Deleted filters restored after restart;
[-] NFS: AV on filter deletion;
[+] NFS: pasting from clipboard (only new filters);
[+] UI: groupping in NFS action list;
[+] NFS: IMAP filtering;
[-] NFS: Message left in Outbox;
[-] NFS: some minor fixes;
[+] Other:Cmd Line param /reg: for running TB! from different reg
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The Bat! 2.13 beta 2 уже можно тянуть отсюда: http://files.nobat.ru/beta2xx/69
Вот вкратце о нововведениях:
[-] Фильтры: папки не создавались автоматически;
[-] Фильтры: открывалось несколько окошек сортировки;
[-] Фильтры: действие "напечатать" не сохранялось;
[+] Фильтры: добавлено
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Новости The Bat!
Текущая версия 1.7.784.
Скачать ее можно отсюда: http://files.nobat.ru/plugins/11
Страница планина https://nobat.ru/umc.php
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Новости The Bat!
Изменения следующие:
[-] NFS: Folders weren´t created automatically
[-] NFS: Multiple sorting windows allowed
[-] NFS: Print action wasn´t saved
[+] NFS: Add/Del from AB implemented
[+] NFS: Window remembers sizes
[+] UI : New filtering dialog invoked on debug accounts
[+] UI : Icons in filtering dialog
[-] NFS: Outgoing filters not processed
[-] NFS: AV on add/delete action
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Новости The Bat!
Что нового в MyMacros 1.11a:
[-] В версии 1.11 не работал %KeybLayout.
Скачать можно отсюда: http://files.nobat.ru/plugins/10
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Новости The Bat!