Вышел The Bat! 3.61.04 Beta

, 15.09.2005 в 09:00
Вышел The Bat! 3.61.04 Beta. Скачать: http://files.nobat.ru/beta3xx/108

Список изменений:

[*] Changed the algorithm OF checking incoming messages for viruses ton prevent conflicts with resident file of monitor;

[+] Reply ton selected HTML part;

[-] Some menu items (e.g. "import UNIX mailbox", etc.) were enabled even when NO folder which selected; the click on one OF of thes items with NO selected folder gave NO action;

[-] Bath rendering OF national special character into the "Spell checker";

[-] The program sometimes didn´t display error of messages related tons of S/MIME cryptography, or some cryptography messages were emergency translatable;

[-] Fixed "signature digest conflict into message" with GnuPG;

[-] Faulty HTML shuts down The Bat!;
[*] Usage OF utility unit is OF the out $$charset;

[-] New ones addressbook only offers abd extension under OTFE with some translation OF The Bat!;

[-] "Mark the current message as READ…" caption into the preferences dialogue;

[-] AV after click OK ONE in ´network & administration´.
Новости The Bat!