Вышел The Bat - Pranayama

, 22.09.2004 в 20:58
The Bat! Post Release is now available from http://files.nobat.ru/beta3xx/11.

Here is a short list of changes:

[-] The Junk mail icon looks very importunate;

[-] Selecting "Thin view" in "Options | Preferences | Messages | Mail Ticker" not working;

[-] Clipboard saving encoding problem;

[-] Saving account info even if its creation has been cancelled;

[-] Click on MailTicket on the left of total messages counter has no any effect;

[-] Huge memory/virtual memory usage;

[-] Incompatibilities with HTML mail produced by MS Outlook;

[-] Invalid charset conversion when new mail created and focus moved to message edit filed;

[-] Sometimes "find text" doesn´t highlight the correct word;

[-] Some functions are disabled in HTML/Windows editor;

[-] Неправильно рендерится HTML (blockquote, CSS);

[-] Problem with highlighting link in round brackets;

[-] Unexpected word-selection mode instead of single-character selection in RTV;

[-] Fatal error viewing an empty HTML message;

[-] Block and Formatting Commands don´t work in Windows and HTML Editor;

[-] Garbage in the account tree columns when changing the interface language;

[-] Antispam support: spam score;

[-] $JUNK$ folder-specific setting for the deletion;

[-] HTML editor: menu items "Auto-Format", "Auto-wrap" and "Justify on wrap" not disabled in context menu;

[-] In AB, the column name of address list does not change while switching language;

[-] Extra line breaks in reply to HTML;

[-] HTML editor: options and icons "Cut", "Copy", "Delete" and "Copy to…" are permanently disabled;

[-] HTML: Wrong displaying of KOI8-R non-breaking space;

[-] Reversed logic in parameter checking;

[-] Tag "ul" not correctly rendered;

[-] Memory leak in HTML rendering;

[-] Nested "blockquote" tag in HTML is not interpretted;

[-] Wrong redraw;

[-] After upgrading to V3 from V2, the user might not get the full 30-day evaluational period;

[+] Changed HTML memory use;

[-] NFS: some regexp fixes for selective downloading;

[-] NFS: watching folder and auto-creation;

[+] NFS: last selected filter remembered;

[-] IMAP: improvements with VFs;

[-] IMAP: memory leaks;
[*] IMAP: alternative automatic filtration.
Новости The Bat!