Вышел The Bat! v3.0.0.14 Pranayama

, 13.09.2004 в 23:15
Что нового:

[-] NFS: Error in getting ´Sender´ field;

[-] NFS: References weren´t unpacked before filtering;

[-] NFS: Add condition/Add block menu not worked;

[-] NFS: some minor fixes;

[-] NFS: Send generated messages immediately does not work;

[-] Button "&lt:&lt:&lt:" needs to be resized;

[-] Quoted tabs become square blocks;

[-] Comma Splice in "Delete messages" dialog box;

онлайн 1с бухгалтерия

[-] Horizontal scrollbar is not displayed;

[-] Test result strings not translatable;

[-] Wrong caption text for Test filter action;

[-] Bug in interface of address book;

[-] User login in Account properties is always restored as login (before @) only;

[-] Using symbols ´.´, ´,´, ´-´ and so on in User Name in Account properties;

[-] MapiMessage.flFlags MAPI_UNREAD logic is inverted;

[-] Sorting order of items is not reflected on the columns header (AB and Address pick-up);

[-] Textual attachment not shown inline;

[-] Default template for messages created by Sheduler is not available for translation;

[-] Encoding bug in HTML editor;

[-] %OCHARSET returns nothing for US-ASCII in original message;

[-] SSL & TSL protocol names mixed up;

[-] Magic key Shift+Ctrl+Alt+L on Common Folders finds also account folders;

[-] Fixed problems with Chinese characters in the folder maintaintance window and in the progress window;

[-] After upgrading The Bat! to Version 3 from previous versions, evaluation period counter hasn´t been reset;

[-] THEBAT.LNG now can have windows-compatible version information (right mouse button in Windows Explorer|Properties|Version) and Digital Signature.

Скачать можно отсюда: http://files.nobat.ru/beta3xx/7
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