[-] Normal folder "test" magically changed to virtual folder on TB! restart;
[-] Some memory leaks;
[-] Virtual Folder shows msgs from password protected accounts after closing the account;
[-] Menu option "Follow" doesn´t work in VF, when is "Virtual" folder tab selected;
[-] Message from VF can be saved, but not exported, menu "Tools | Export messages" is disabled;
[-] %LANGUAGE="GN" and %LANGUAGE="GO" macros didn?t work;
[-] Auto read status will mark all read upon read status change of one message;
[-] Folders cannot be repositioned by drag-and-drop into (or next to) the VF one;
[-] VM address groups filtering does not work correctly;
[-] Body filter;
[-] Spanish translation needs some resizing of controls;
[-] Folder movement bug;
[-] Refresh of Virtual Folders was broken.
Скачать файл: the_bat2.10.03.exe
Эта версия включает в дистрибутиве BayesIt 0.5.4. Данная версия не содержит существенных отличий от 0.5.3, а лишь пару моментов, касающихся пользователей других "клонов" БАТа (SecureBat Lite, SecureBat, SecureBat Pro, Aviaintour Захiд).