Вышел очередной билд 2.03.6 почтового клиента The Bat!

, 15.12.2003 в 02:56
Изменений мало, но какие!!! Вы посмотрите только на 1 дополнение. Отныне бат умеет работать с Exchange protocol по MAPI. Проверил реально, у меня работает!


[!] The Bat! can send/receive mail messages from/to MS Exchange Server via native Exchange protocol (MAPI). You need MS Exchange Client or MS Office Outlook installed, because Windows by default doesn´t have Extended MAPI subsystem with Exhange transport provider. You can freely download Exchange Client from Microsoft FTP Site, please refer to http://www.slipstick.com/clients.htm for more information;

[+] A possibility to set colours for message header for viewer and editor;
[*] Automatic completion of subject in the message editor is now optional;

[-] It was not possible to search with case sensitivity in message headers;

[-] Some fixes to View Modes

Скачать можно отсюда: https://nobat.ru/files/ftp/beta.200/tb20306.rar
Новости The Bat!