Между 3 и 2 перерывчик небольшой!!! (Вышла 3 бета почтового клиента The Bat! 2.0)

, 20.08.2003 в 14:42
Hello All,

The Bat! v2.0 Beta/3 is now available from https://www.ritlabs.com/download/the_bat/beta/tb200b03.rar

Here is a short list of changes:

[+] %CURSOR="Field ID" macro for setting focus in a particular editing field, where the "Field ID" is BODY or TEXT for the message text or RFC name of the header;
[*] Option to delete large messages from server for POP3 accounts;

[-] The "Empty Trash folder on Exit" was ignored;

[-] SmartBat was not refreshing while when pads were switched;

[-] UUEncode was broken in 1.63 Betas;

[-] "User" account with disabled Sorting Office could create filters;

[-] When messages were moved between accounts, separated attachments were not removed from the attachment directory;

[-] Search was producing false positives;

[-] The "Print card" button was not functioning in the Address Auto-view;

[-] Extra spaces were added into the names with special RFC 822 characters;

[-] Error when IMAP messages were copied/moved/deleted to a local folder.

Please excuse us for not providing upgrade information - it will be available as soon as we get really close to release. Before that, we decided not to accept payments for buggy Betas :-) Please be patient - I hope, it won´t take too long.

Re: The v2 Roadmap. This is my personal fault and I am very sorry I spoke too soon because it requires some quiet time to write those things down. With the amount of job to be done on the current Beta, it is virtually impossible to do it right now. :-( But - this thing is needed for us as well as for you, so it will be made sooner or later. Again, patience is the keyword here…

Thank you very much for your support and please don´t forget about BT! :-)


Best regards,

Новости The Bat!