Вышел RC1 почтового клиента The Bat! 2.11

, 01.06.2004 в 00:03
Изменения следующие:

[-] Selected shortcuts for Send/Queue in the message editor weren´t remembered;

[-] Embedded image files were multiplicated at each [auto] save;

[-] Character set detection bug in PGP/MIME messages;

[-] Using "IMAP Folder management" deletes account level VFs;

[+] Chat window remembers sizes;

[+] Message Editor (using MicroEd) has new status - AutoFormat, AutoWrap, JustifyOnWrap, AutoSpell;

[+] Customizable hotkeys for next/prev folder tab (Edit shortcuts/MainMenu/Specials);

[+] System hotkey for chat;

[-] Wrong smileys parsing in b9;

[+] Smileys are switchable (currently only from popup);

[-] Minor fixes (some .ini files reading).

Скачать можно отсюда: http://files.nobat.ru/beta2xx/54
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