17 февраля доступен для скачивания тест-релиз 2.04 почтового клиента The Bat!, но…

, 18.02.2004 в 12:20
Но с рядом ошибок… Хотя, вот список изменений и коментарий Стефана (включенных в 2.04 тест-релиз):

Basically, it is almost the same RC/3, but it is the full installation including updated help file and automatic installation of Special Edition of BayesIt! plug-in (which was also updated during last few days).

[-] An overwritten file was not truncated when an attachment was saved;

[-] Big-5 and GB2312 encoding are now supported in RTV/HTML (well, with some bugs, but… :-);

[-] Some cosmetic fixes for View Modes
Please send your comments, so we can pronounce the 2.04 version officially released tomorrow.

Скачать данный тестовый релиз можно отсюда: https://nobat.ru/files/ftp/release.200/the_bat2.04.00.exe
Новости The Bat!